2015 European XFEL Users' Meeting and Satellite Meetings

The European XFEL Users’ Meeting is an annual opportunity to strengthen the interaction between the European XFEL project and the scientific user community. The scope of this meeting includes:

  • Progress and current status of the European XFEL
  • Instrument design developments and advances
  • Selected science applications
  • Current developments in the field of XFEL facilities
  • Satellite Meetings and Workshops
Update 01 December 2014 (241KB)
Attendees of this year's Users' Meeting
European XFEL | click_to_enlarge


Project Update Session

Massimo Altarelli, European XFEL (4.4 MB)
Hans Weise, DESY (13.1 MB)
Burkhard Heisen, European XFEL (1.5 MB)
Harald Sinn, European XFEL (7.2 MB)

European XFEL Instrument Progress

Christian Bressler, European XFEL (2.1 MB)
Adrian Mancuso, European XFEL (27.1 MB)
Thomas Tschentscher, European XFEL (1.6 MB)
Michael Meyer, European XFEL (3.7 MB)
Andreas Scherz, European XFEL (22.1 MB)

Science Session: Highlights in XFEL Research

Paul Beaud, PSI (2.3 MB)
Wojciech Gawelda, European XFEL (8.2 MB)


Satellite Meetings

Early Science at MID

Date: 26-27 January 2015
Location: Albert-Einstein-Ring 19, Hamburg - Seminar Room 3.11

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the experimental capabilities and science opportunities offered by the Materials Imaging and Dynamics (MID) station expected to begin operation in 2017. The emphasis will be on day one capabilities and early experiments. MID will feature setups for (coherent) scattering and imaging in the energy range 5-25 keV. A synchronized optical laser is available for pump-probe experiments and optional x-ray optics (e.g. monochromator, focusing lenses, mirrors, X-ray split-delay line) allow tailoring the beam parameters. The sample environment provide opportunities for SAXS and WAXS in combination with liquid sample injection, fast sample exchange or scanning, pulsed high magnetic fields, as well as a furnace/cryostat for high and low-temperature measurements. An area detector will be available that can acquire images at 4.5 MHz speed to take full advantage of the XFEL machine parameters.


Satellite Workshop on Photon Beam Diagnostics

Date: 29 January 2015
Location: DESY, Hamburg - Uni-Auditorium, Building 61

The Satellite Workshop on Photon Beam Diagnostics is organized as part of the European XFEL Users' Meeting, like in previous years (except 2014). The target of this Workshop is to bring together the experts in FEL Photon Diagnostics, to strengthen existing collaborations and create new ones, to share the latest progress but also to discuss new experimental methods and instrumentation that seems suited to be used as FEL photon beam diagnostics. Last but not least, progress in this field at the European XFEL facility is presented. Sufficient time for discussions shall be provided.



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Date: 29 January 2015
Location: DESY, Hamburg - CFEL, Seminar Room I

The high energy density science instrument is one of the six baseline instruments at the European XFEL. With the completion of the technical design report in the first half of 2014, the instrument entered the detailed design phase. This workshop intends to provide to the user community an update on the status of design and proposed implementation. A specific topic is the actual status of the experimental chamber and the detector integration.
It further serves as a platform for communication with users with respect to their detailed requirements. In addition, the current status of the split and delay unit (SDU) will be shown. This optic is provided by the University of Münster in the frame of the BMBF Verbundforschung and will be installed at HED. The presentations will be followed by a time slot allowing for open discussion. This mini-Workshop after a coffee break will be followed by a workshop organized by the HIBEF user consortium.


Date: 29 January 2015, 15:50-19:00
Location: DESY, Hamburg - CFEL Seminar Room I

The Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields is a user consortium contribution which is located at the HED-station at European XFEL. It will provide a worldwide unique combination of instrumentation like high-energy long-pulse as well as a high-intensity short-pulse lasers and pulsed magnetic fields. This opens new possibilities to study matter under extreme conditions in the field of plasma physics, high-pressure sciences and magnetism. The workshop includes science talks in these fields. Status of the project and organisation as well as experimental possibilities will be introduced to interested user and members of the international user consortium. The HIBEF General Assembly will be held in conjunction with the European XFEL Workshop HED Instrument/User Workshop.


European XFEL FXE Instrument User Workshop - Recent Developments

Date: 29 January 2015, 13:30-18:00
Location: DESY, Hamburg - CFEL, Seminar Room III

The FXE instrument is one of the six baseline instruments at the European XFEL. It is specially optimized to permit combined x-ray spectroscopies and scattering experiments on liquid samples with hard x-radiation. This workshop seeks to extend its capabilities towards solid state applications, which includes the design of a special vacuum chamber around the sample position. The Agenda will include an overview of the FXE instrument including a suggestion to investigate key compounds for photocatalytic and photovoltaic applications, followed by presentations towards the solid state option.
